Implementing Campaign Manager - Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle)

Creating A Kettle Script

This example shows a Kettle script that replaces a comma with a pipe character in a .csv file. It is intended as a basic introduction on the use of Kettle and the concept of transformations and jobs.

About this task

The following example is an introduction only. Kettle is a third party tool and is not covered by Alterian's standard support contract.

Alterian Professional Services can assist with usage of Pentaho Kettle and interaction with third party API's.

The example used splits the task into separate transformation and job files, although this sort of simple action could be done in a single Job.


The transformation stage of the example is as follows :

  1. Create a new transformation and define the required variables.
  2. Construct the transformation to pick up the file, and convert the comma delimiter to a pipe.
  3. Create a new file with a _Working naming convention.
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